November 1916

VERDUN (Douaumont)

Days at Rest: 12

Days in Trenches: 14

Hospital: 16

Total Casualties (KIA): 76

Note the Boyau de Belgrade under construction to the west of Boyau de Londres

1st November

7e DI JMO day review: Heavy bombardment on frontline lines and ravins, particularly between 15h and 18h around Fort de Douaumont and Bois Albain. The intensity of the barrage was so high that there was an expectation of a German attack, but this did not materialise. It is announced on the 2nd November at 8h00 the 37e Div will take control of the Douaumont sector.

Nous sommes dans la boue jusqu’au cou

Postcard 1st November

Jules sends a quick postcard to say all is well and not to expect any news from him over the next 4 days. Ominously he stats that they have mud up to their necks …

From this postcard it is unclear where Jules and the 4e bat are on the battlefield. However the assumption is they are in “Sous Secteur Est or Ouest” work group and not in “Fort de Douaumont” work group as Jules mentions being in mud up to his neck. Therefore they are either stringing together shell holes into a trench line near Douaumont or digging out the Boyau Belgrade (see picture above)

Sous secteur est

Casaulties: 2 Officers wounded: Capt Recoing (5e Bat adj Major) and SLT Dache (15e Cie)

2nd November

7e DI JMO day review: Lot calmer day. Grenades and rifle exchange at trancheee de Pomeranie (see below). Intermitent heavy bombardment of the Carriere near Haudromont

4th November

Vous devez être bien inquiète, mais soyez rassurée nous sommes descendus encore une fois. Je suis dans une ambulance, j’avais un froid aux pieds quelques jours de repos et je vais regagner ma compagnie.

Je vous écrirai ce soir.

Je vous embrasse mille fois

