Soldat Albaud

Curious Case of Soldat Albaud

Eugene Joseph Albaud

1880 – 1916

Died 14 February: Suicide or Firing Squad

This is an individual linked to a letter of the 25th February with a colourful service history. Potential misclassification in Memories des Hommes of cause of death – interesting the 7e DI confirms no 315e losses

Soldat Eugene Joseph Albaud

Sentence to 5 years in prison on the 27th March 1915 for abandoning his post

In October claimed to be sick for the 25th September Offensive

Committed suicide 14th February 1916 ….

But was it? because official death certificates says Firing Squad

Soldat Eugene Joseph Albaud

Service Record just states that he died at Chaude Fontaine on the 14th February, but there is a lot more too this individuals past, who even before the war spent time in prison.

The case is all online (see link above) therefore provides us with great detail into the Soldat Albaud and his multiple conviction. That include:

First: Abandoning his post and was sentence to prison for 60 days

Second: Changed company due to his mental state and being a danger to other soldiers in the the 20e Compagnie, after he had assaulted a fellow soldier, plus insulting an officer. In this case the head of the Compagnie LTN Poliniere stating that “he was making the compagnie stupid”

This action was taken by Poliniere and Captaine Roy to remove Albaud from his Compagnie for fear of repercussions.

Albaud is moved to the 23e Compagnie, but does not take part in the offensive of the 25th September due to “illness – bronchitus” on the 23rd September then again on the 8th December 1915. Where is then moved to the 14e Compagnie

Third: was the final straw:

Stealing food reserved for the next day

6 litres of wine

Causing a disturbance at night 3am

Assaulting a Sergent and threating others with a rifle

Below is a statement from his trial. Multiple other 14e compagnie soldiers gave evidence including:

Sgt Edouard Blechet

Cpl Edmond Vilain (later promoted to Sgt)

Died 30 July 1917 at Ostel

2nd Classe Georges Beaussuie

2nd Classe Eugen Martin no2452

1st Classse Paul Diard no 4995 – potentially died fall from a plane in 21st Dec 1917

From the Head of his Compagnie: LTN Chenal that describes Albaud simply as a “bad soldier”

The verdict in the case is below, with the result being execution on 14th February.

Below Document is his death certificate which clearly states he was executed.

Even clearer in the follow up document that goes to 7e Division
