Auberive Nécropole

Contains 3474 soldiers

Created in 1920 to receive bodies from soldiers who died during the Batailles de Champagne from 1914 to 1918. The cemetary was expanded from 1923 to 1926 to received extra bodies from closed cemeteries to the east of Reims such as:

La Voie romaine, Ferme de Moscou, Village Gascon, Estival, Mont sans Nom, Mont Blond, Mont Haut, Mont Cornillet, Mont du Casque, Mont Téton, Bois Sacré, Bois Liévin, Bois de la Chapelle, Bois du Puits

Auberive Nécropole is the final resting place for 215+ 315e soldiers that lost their lives on 25th September 1915

Officers buried at Auberive Nécropole

Captaine Paul Emile Petard (1879-1915)

5e bataillon – 19e compagnie

Captaine Marius Louis Astiggiano (1873-1915)

4e bataillon – 13e compagnie

LTN Laurent Zacharie Carchet (1875-1915)

5e bataillon – 19e compagnie

SLT Francois Alexandre Didelin (1879-1915)

Died on 24th September whilst inspected departure areas for the next day

Les Hommes

Below are 157 Graves from 25th to 28th September

